For women in ministry

From women in ministry

Micro and Meaningful Grants

What are micro and meaningful grants? These are for moments that nourish. Women in ministry in the Church of the Brethren may apply for a grant of up to $200 once a year.

Endless possible nourishing uses:

  • Dinner at a long dreamed of restaurant

  • Clergy stole or clergy shirt to wear for public vigils and demonstrations when clergy visibility is important

  • Preaching shoes that are stylish and comfortable

  • A fresh suit/dress/cardigan for formal professional functions

  • A piece of art

  • A night in an airbnb

  • Live concert tickets

  • Massage, spa day, pedicure

  • Freedom to liberate a bill that has been hanging over your head

You get the idea

The application process is a reflective one. You are not convincing us, you are articulating to yourself what you need for nourishment.

Everyone who applies will receive what you’ve asked for (up to $200). So, what do you need to tell yourself?

We know that this won’t buy health insurance, or tip your compensation toward scale. It is more like a flash shower in summer heat, a raindrop that can water a marigold to bloom, a sigh of relief, the feeling of being seen and valued.

You are seen and valued, By women in ministry for women in ministry.

Take a minute to reflect on a nourishing need that is short, sweet, and to the fabulous point.